Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rainy Season is Here!

Rainy season is here and while we don't actually enjoy biking in the rain, we need it so badly we really can't complain. There are currently water use restrictions in place in the city of Kunming and for most of the day we have significantly reduced water pressure. This is our fourth year of drought and only an awesomely wet rainy season is going to end it. Many people struggle on a daily basis due to lack of water. Please pr*y for rain! 

End of the Year Staff Party

We had our end of the year KIA Staff Party last night. The theme was breakfast for dinner (my favorite meal, ever!)and there was even a coffee bar onsite with baristas (the Kunming Youth Group leaders somehow got snagged into volunteering.)Many people dressed up in their pj's and we all enjoyed an evening of fellowship in the KIA cafeteria. After our breakfast meal we all played a few games and enjoyed our Admin staff's rendition of Cinderella. 
Eric and I pose with our friends and our Chinese teacher, Gan lao shi (teacher Gan). 

Kim brushing Eric's teeth in one of our staff games. 

The Admin staff reads Cinderella. Jim is the ugly step-sister. In real life, he is one of our Secondary Principals!