Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Getting Established

We have made it to the point where we are establishing our routines.  We are getting the hang of day to day life and learning how to survive. We know which markets provide the best vegetables and where to get the best price on fruit. We know the bike route to get to one of the local fellowships. We know the back way to Carrefour (this important because we are less likely to get ran over by a car taking this route).  We can even make a phone call and order more drinking water. But there is still a mile-long (or kilometer-long, to be locally correct) list of things we have no clue about: how to buy tea from the bulk bins at the store, what is the difference between the 100 different choices of soy sauce, how do I buy postage stamps, how do I pay my electricity bill (we know that we have to somehow set up an account at a bank and deposit money into it for the electric company, but we are unsure of the overall process), where can I get a new bolt for my bike seat, what are all of these weird fruits and how do I eat them, how much do we pay for bike parking?????? The list goes on.

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