Friday, November 9, 2012


My birthday was last Friday. Instead of spending the day like I planned, at work, I came down with the bug that is going around our school and spent my day at home by myself, sick. Eric had informed me that there was something going on for my birthday, but I didn’t know what or when it was happening. Friday afternoon I received a call from my friend, Michelle, one of our Secondary Principals, and she casually mentioned that she didn’t know if she was supposed to say anything or not, but we were supposed to go over to her house for dinner that night, so it was too bad that I was sick. I was so disappointed! I had ruined my own surprise birthday party! I told Eric about it Friday night and he confirmed that yes, the party was supposed to have been then and he told me about the people who were supposed to come and a bunch of the details. I asked if we could reschedule the party for next week and he said he would take care of it.
Saturday I was feeling better and we were schedule to go to Kevin and Emma’s for dinner. We had planned it earlier in the week and knew it would be a low-key evening because they were hosting two families from out of town and because there were some kids staying with them (two of them quite young) it would probably be an early evening. I felt up to it so we went. When I walked into their apartment Kevin, Emma, and their two boys Tim and Wesley were standing right by the door. As soon as I was through the doorway Kevin handed me a big, red Starbucks mug and said, “Here, we made you a pumpkin spice latte. We heard they were your favorite.” I was so thrilled to have my favorite fall drink that I didn’t comprehend that they were all wearing their pajamas and standing really close to me. I took a drink and set it down so I could hang up my coat and put down my purse and then, “SURPRISE!!” 30 people jumped out of the living room. The picture below is Eric turning me towards the raucous. I had unknowingly walked right into my surprise-pajamas and breakfast for dinner- party! It was such a spectacular party. I was surrounded by so many people we have come to know in our few months here. We told stories, played games and had a breakfast feast for dinner. It was worth the birthday sick in bed and the disappointment of a ruined party. It was a great night.

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